Lately I've been eating lots of bananas, dried cherries, tomatoes,and avocados (fruit, my friends!), but purple has been a bit lacking from my diet. So naturally, I was going to take good care of my health and expand the horizon of our fruit basket (which is actually a red colander).
In a perfect world, I would go to Whole Foods or PCC and buy beautiful organic fruit.
In the real world, I'm on a budget.
So I went to Costco with my mom last week...and we spilt a carton of good-looking plums.
At Costco...with an all fruit & veggie Jamba |
So how did I respond? Did I sit and weep? (No, but I've cried over weirder stuff.) Did I toss the plums into the trash? (Gah what a waste of money.) No.
I chopped up the little blighters and made them into a totally edible purple fruit salad.
Totally Edible Purple Fruit Salad:
- 5 rather dismal plums
- 1.5 cups frozen blackberries
- A few tablespoons 100% fruit blueberry jam
- A few teaspoons ground cloves
And voila! Dilemma solved.
I like the way you think! And the brie is an awesome (and always totally necessary) touch!