Thursday, June 6, 2013

Aaaannnnddd we're back!

Hey, howdy, hey!

May was kinda crazy for us.  We were both busy at work; I had a wisdom tooth out; and my students had their end of year performance, which I was in this year!

We kept up with CrossFit, trying out new products and visiting other boxes for fun:
But our biggest event of the month was Jared's acceptance to medical school!!!
Since we found out, it's been a whirlwind of paperwork and packing.  We moved out of our little apartment and in with my folks for a couple months, until we move to Portland in August.
Now we're (sort of) settled in and got to kick off June with the Northwest CrossFit Regionals!


You tell me: What've you been up to in May? 
Did you go to your regional event? 
Have you tried Progenex Cocoon? 
(I wasn't super impressed...the flavor is nowhere close to as good as Progenex Recovery, and it's basically impossible to stays all chunky.)

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