Monday: Bench Press + Back Squat
I love my lifting days so much! Bench especially is getting easier and easier. It's my Wendler Week 2, so I did 3 sets each at 80%, 85%, and 90% of my working weight. (Working weight = 95% of your one rep max.)
Bench: #75, #80, #85
Back Squat: #140, #150, #160
Tuesday: CrossFit
We started light and then worked up in weight.
I made it up to #113 for my clean and jerk. At first I was disappointed that I didn't do more...but then I check WODHub and realized that it was a jerk PR! Plus I know my form has continued to improve significantly.
More PRs on the horizon!
It was fun to have a rowing WOD since usually if it's only rowing, it's the recovery WOD. Jared's really been helping me with my form lately, trying to lean forward more and keep my butt from sliding so far forward.
My fastest 400 was 1:41, which is REALLY speedy for me!
Wednesday: CrossFit
My overhead squat still needs a TON of work. I only went up to #45 to really focus on good form and "pulling the bar apart."
I ripped my hands after the fifth round of pullups in the workout, so I finally broke down and ordered Tuf-Foot. Jared suggested it WEEKS ago, but I told him we didn't need it...and now I've ripped my hands three times since then. I'll let you know how it is!
Because of my hands, I switched to strict chest to bar pullups with a band for my final round, but I RXed the rest of the WOD.
I stayed late to get some photos of the 7am class - they're so much fun!
Thursday: Active Recovery
For skill work, I chose 10' target wall balls and double unders. Kind of frustrating that these are still so difficult and inconsistent for me, but any work on them is good, right?
Since my hands still hurt from Wednesday, I decided rowing was a bad idea. Instead, I ran two miles! I usually avoid running whenever I can, but I actually had a good time and it was nice to work on so many things that need improvement in my CrossFit repetoire. I finished in 20:09.
Friday: Deadlift + Strict Press
Deadlift (3 reps each set): #155, #165, #180
Overhead (Strict) Press: #55, #60, #65
Saturday: CrossFit Olympic Lifting Class
I SO did not want to to this workout. Snatch is my weaker of the Olympic lifts, and the 100s (even scaled!) looked so intimidating.
I did the wall balls as RX, which took me forever! Wall balls are one of my weakest movements, and being 5'2" doesn't make that 10' target any easier!
I knew with my hurt hand I couldn't do much kipping, so I used a green band and mostly did strict chest to bar pullups...until the end when I was so beat I HAD to kip cause I couldn't do any more.
I did the pistols to a 16" box, and was able to get through with only 2 no reps. I was hurrying cause I REALLY wanted to make it to the dumbbell snatches!
I only used #15 for the dumbbell snatches since I didn't know how heavy to go...I could definitely have gone much heavier, but going light allowed me to race through the 40 reps and finish under the 25 minute time cap!
Not exactly Regional level performance, but still really great to be challenged so much after all the inspiring performances last weekend:
Sunday: Rest/Walking
This was a planned rest day, but we had some really sunny weather (unusual for PNW June), so Jared and I spent most of the afternoon walking around Juanita Bay with his sister and brother-in-law, and then I took my mom for a spin in her wheelchair before dinner. So nice to feel a little bit of summer!